The SIM hosting server offers you the enticing proposition of sending bulk SMS and getting it delivered instantly and to all the phone numbers regardless of the DND status. BUt once you’ve had your SIM set up for the service, how do you start sending SMS with it?
You can send SMS from the SIM to most countries, with the SIM card number as your source address (Sender ID) which is what is shown on the recipients handset when the message comes in. There are 2 ways messages can be sent using this server:
If you send the SMS on SmartSMSSolutions, and you have a SIM hosting service setup already, the system will auto detect phone numbers on DND and reroute those ones through the SIM server.
You can also send SMS directly to all phone numbers through the SIM server. Visit the SIM hosting send SMS page to send your messages and get them delivered to DND numbers.
So if you do not have a SIM setup in our data centre already, why not get started today, and set yourself and your business up to enjoy SIM hosting service amazing benefits.